Dream Big Enough

Ayesha Rehman
2 min readApr 3, 2021

When was the last time you were told, “you are being unreasonable, what you want to do is impossible”, “life doesn’t work like that”, “you need to be more practical in life” while referring to your dreams? We hear demotivating sentences about our dreams quite often in the name of reality but are those dreams deviant from reality? These phrases are often directed to those who dream big enough, if you reconsider these phrases, the term “reality” would just be a word given to a belief people hold.

Some dreams need to be worked upon to make them a reality. Aviation was considered impossible and a mere fantasy until it was MADE possible by the Wright brothers. Iqbal’s dream of a separate land was ridiculed but it gave direction to Muslims of the subcontinent. Just like that, there were so many dreams that were made fun of until those were achieved and made a reality.

Even if we accept for some time that big dreams that we hold are impossible, these dreams still can give to access to other worlds and dimensions that will add to your creativity and beauty of this universe.

Big dreams might attract ridicule or negative comments initially but dreams should be big enough for you to grow in them. You are going to achieve something in the process of working for your big dreams as Oscar Wilde said, “shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

Let the dreams be big enough to scare you, be scary enough to leave you sleepless working. While working for a dream there will be times of stress, doubtfulness, and fear. You might want to quit and be scared but that’s how you know you’re dreaming big enough. As working for a dream is like climbing a mountain, every step takes courage, strength, and persistence. So put the effort into your dreams, you’ll see the doubts applauding when you make it at the top!



Ayesha Rehman

I am dr.Ayesha Rehman, orthopedic physiotherapist. Love to write on topics, social, economical, health and societal issues.